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  • Writer's pictureMeira Herman

Your Handy Dandy Guide of Essential Cleaning Supplies for Your New Home

Updated: Apr 16, 2023

Basics to start with and some useful tricks we've picked up along the way.

Click Here for a more detailed guide of cleaning supplies and gadgets to consider.

You Basic Starter Kit:

The 11 Essential Items You’ll Want to Start With:

Your basic starter kit: squeegee, broom & dustpan, floor shmatas, microfiber cloths, floor cleaner, Windex, toilet cleaner, laundry detergent, dish soap, garbage bags, and toilet paper.

We know some of these may sound like “well, duh”. You’re going to be moving! Your brain probably will not be functioning on the “well, duh” items. We’ve put this handy dandy list together for you so you can rest easy knowing there's one less item to remember. And, hopefully, so you don’t have to end up running around at 11pm at night trying to find an open store because you’re out of toilet paper!

1.     Floor Squeegee and Water Bucket – מגב (Magav) in Hebrew, is probably the most iconic accessory in any Israeli's household cleaning kit, la’ squeegee is essential for any home in Israel. Whether you intend to do sponga (a popular method of pouring water over the floor) or have a floor level shower, one of your first cleaning related purchases should be a squeegee stick. I highly recommend getting one that is made out of rubber vs styrofoam and has a bracket to hold shmatas in place. The styrofoam ones don’t tend to hold up as well. There are generally two different size options and it's worth investing in a larger one if you have a larger floor space.

2.     Broom and Dustpan – it gets very dusty in this country. Especially in the summer. Even if your new apartment has been recently cleaned prior to move in, you’ll soon notice that your floors could use a quick once over. Why? Between the heavy foot traffic from the first day of your move and the shlepping of suitcases, dust and scuffs are bound to show on your floors. A quick broom clean is all you’ll need to wake up to a shiny clean floor. It you have issues with bending down, I suggest investing in a stick dustpan that folds for ease of use and storage.

3.     Floor Shmatas – You’ll notice that we haven’t included “a mop” in this Cleaning Essentials List. Using a floor shmata with a squeegee is the American equivalent of a mop. Although better, because it’s thought to be more hygienic. Since the shmatas can be thrown in the washer after each use. A set of three is probably all you need if you have a multi-room apartment (or don’t want to launder them every week). For example, you may want to do your kitchen & main area with one shmata and your bedroom with another.

4.     Microfiber Cloths – Another AMAZING cleaning kit essential which, in my opinion, can be greatly underestimated. I use these for everything. Need to clean dust off of furniture? Need to clean the windows and mirrors? The kitchen counters? These are my go-to. I constantly get compliments on how clean my bathroom looks. One day this topic came up with some friends and they said this is because I never have dust streaks left over. Pro tip that I shared with them and I’ll share with you: go over everything with a microfiber cloth after cleaning. You’ll notice a huge difference and win this battle of the dust. They are also great for cleaning grout.

5.     Economica (bleach) or non-Bleach Floor Cleaner – is another cleaning essential in any country. While I’m not a huge fan of bleach myself, I do find it helps keep pests, such as ants, away. My general rule, is to clean the floors regularly

with a non-bleach cleaner and use economica about once a month. Sometimes more regularly in the summer and less so in the winter.

6.     Windex – Have you ever seen the movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” and Toula’s father believes Windex is the cure all to everything? While it’s not the answer to everything, it is very handy to have around. Along with a microfiber cloth, it will help you keep your mirrors and windows streak free. Occasionally, I’ll also use it for general dusting.

7.     Toilet Cleaner & Toilet Brushes – I really hope you don't need this your first night in your new apartment. You will so do yourself a favor and pick up a bottle when you get the other things on this list to save yourself added stress later on. Many cleaner bottles will have a curved top with a spout. If you’ve never cleaned a toilet before, use this method: pick up the seat and circle around the rim with the bottle. Let the cleaner sit for 15-20 minutes then start with the scrubbing. (I know. It’s my least favorite chore too). I personally prefer Scooby-doo’s favorite use of the toilet brush: as a microphone.


8.     Laundry Detergent – is another important item to add to your shopping list. If you already have a washer and are planning to buy new sheet/ towels, you may have a need for them in your first few days after a move. You may have to try a few detergents before finding your preferred brand. (Options for sensitive skin).

9.     Dish Soap, Hand Soap & Sponges – While you probably won’t be doing dishes in your first day or two after a big move, you will want to have these available once you’re ready to buy your first coffee mug or start cooking again.

10.  Garbage Bags – GET GARBAGE BAGS. You’re moving. You will have trash. Whether you’re going to be unpacking boxes and need a place to put all the newspaper/ bubble wrap or you’re buying new items for your home, grocery bags just aren’t going to cut it. The quality of garbage bags in Israel may not be what you’re used to. You may have to try out a few brands before finding ones that don’t constantly leak. This is an area worth spending a little extra money on. If you’re constantly double bagging the cheaper bags, you’re not exactly saving money. 


11.  Toilet paper/ tissues – I know this sound like “well, duh”. You’re going to be moving! Your brain probably will not be functioning on the “well, duh” items. Hence why we’ve put this handy dandy list together for you. So you don’t have to end up running around at 11pm at night trying to find an open store because you’re out on toilet paper!

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